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Project summary

The general objective of European Adriatic Sea-Way (acronym EA Sea-Way) is to improve the accessibility and the mobility of passengers across the Adriatic area and its hinterland,through the development of new cross border(CB), sustainable and integrated transport services and the improvement of physical infrastructures related to those new services.

In particular, specific project objectives are to:

  1. integrate and upgrade existing and new collective passenger (tourists and residents) transport services to increase the accessibility across Adriatic basin and decrease CO2 emissions
  2. explore a better integration of urban and regional connections between ports, airports and main tourist destinations/urban areas
  3. develop new or renovate existing infrastructures in the Adriatic port system in order to promote and encourage a more sustainable and efficient passenger transport
  4. foster the passenger sea transport and other collective transport means connected to the port system
  5. test new governance models in the light of the forthcoming Adriatic Ionian Macro Region.

The project is funded by the IPA Adriatic cross-border Cooperation Programme with a total budget of 6.657.204,68 €. It will last from November of 2013 till February of 2016. Countries included in the project are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia with a total number of 20 beneficiaries and 16 associates of which you can learn more on our partners page.


Work packages are groups of activities and tasks through which the project and its objectives will be accomplished. The EA SEA-WAY consists of six Work Packages (WPs) and their main objectives are:

 WP1 – Crossborder Project Management and Coordination
  • managing the project and implementing, supervising, coordinating a system to
    ensure its correct advancement and monitoring from the financial, technical and strategic point of
    view. WP1 tasks are: establishment of project management structures,internal communication
    flow system and monitoring and evaluation system; day by day financial and technical
    management; internal and external monitoring and evaluation.
 WP2 – Communication and Dissemination
  • ensuring good visibility of the project and raising awareness of key stakeholders and
    target groups. WP2 is divided in 3 tasks: elaboration of the Communication Plan; creation of the
    project website,visual identity and promotional materials; awareness raising campaign at
    transnational and regional level

WP3 – Capitalization and sustainability
  • capitalising previous and ongoing experiences from other projects/initiatives focused
    on maritime passenger transport, accessibility of areas and human mobility and ensuring project
    WP3 tasks are: Good Practices analysis and Elaboration of the Capitalization Plan; Setting up joint
    knowledge-management tool; Elaboration of Sustainability Plans; Cross fertilization with other
    projects/initiatives on the same themes.

WP4 – Assessment of the Adriatic port system and its integration with hinterland
  • In details, WP4 action analyses: passengers behaviours and maritime/IW traffic flows in
    the Adriatic basin, current and potential traffic volumes related to existing infrastructures and
    services; current and potential integration of Adriatic port system with hinterland, regional/local
    airports, rail network and main tourist destinations taking into account the system characteristics
    and market demand; regulations related to passenger traffic (safety, security, etc.) and possible
    initiatives for the harmonisation of regulations in partner countries. it then creates scenarios linked to the
    development of: passenger traffic, transport modal choices, physical infrastructures and services.
    As result of the analysis and assessments, guidelines to develop a more sustainable passenger
    mobility are delivered providing the base for the activity envisaged in WP5.

WP5 – Development of sustainable passenger transport models for the Adriatic basin and capacity building
  • WP5 is focused on outlining sustainable passenger transport models for the Adriatic basin and
    capacity building,by activating new governance tools and sharing sustainable cooperation
    strategies on passenger transport,in the light of the forthcoming Adriatic Ionian macro-region.
    Therefore it ensures project sustainability.

WP6 – Pilot actions: Improvement of Adriatic port system, its integration with hinterland and strengthening of intra-Adriatic connections
  • WP6 actions are aimed at: testing feasibility of new interventions, paving the way for further
    broader investments and executing concrete solutions, encouraging users to make use of short
    sea shipping alternatives.