Konferencija “International conference on advances in traffic and communication technologies (ACTC)”, u organizaciji Fakulteta za saobraćaj i komunikacije Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Instituta za saobraćaj i komunikacije Sarajevo, održat će se 11. i 12. maja 2023. godine u Sarajevu.
Tema ovogodišnje konferencije glasi “Održiva urbana mobilnost”. Prvi dan konferencije bit će održan u sarajevskoj Vijećnici, a drugi dan u prostorijama Fakulteta za saobraćaj i komunikacije.
S obzirom na to da se svjetsko stanovništvo sve više urbanizira, potreba za efikasnim i održivim rješenjima mobilnosti nikada nije bila veća. Ova konferencija pruža platformu istraživačima, donosiocima odluka i liderima industrije da razmijene ideje i istraže inovativna rješenja za složene probleme koji se danas suočavaju u urbanom transportu. Kroz ključne govore, panel diskusije i radionice, cilj nam je podržati saradnju i promovirati najbolje prakse u urbanom transportu. Pridružite nam se kako bismo istražili budućnost urbane mobilnosti i radili na stvaranju pametnijih, čistijih i pristupačnijih gradova za sve. Detaljni program bit će uskoro objavljen, a do tada zabilježite datum! Za više informacija posjetite https://atct.ba/
The conference “International conference on advances in traffic and communication technologies (ACTC)” organized by the Faculty of Traffic and Communications University of Sarajevo will be held on May 11 and 12, 2023 in Sarajevo.
The topic of this year's conference is “Sustainable Urban Mobility”. The first day of the conference will be held in the Sarajevo City Hall, and the second day at Faculty of Traffic and Communications.
With the world's population becoming increasingly urbanized, the need for efficient and sustainable mobility solutions has never been greater. This conference provides a platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to exchange ideas and explore innovative solutions to the complex issues facing urban mobility today. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops, we aim to foster collaboration and promote best practices in urban transportation.Join us as we explore the future of urban mobility and work towards creating smarter, cleaner, and more accessible cities for all.
The detailed program will be published soon, until then save the date !! For more information, visit https://atct.ba/